We love our monthly test practice days at M2 Dressage! They give everyone the opportunity to polish up their boots and practice their dressage test riding in front of a judge - a valuable training tool for all riders, not just those who plan to compete.
With show season just around the corner, we switched up our usual format this month. Instead of bringing in a guest judge, we invited everyone to bring their clipboards and hone their judging skills, as well as their riding skills. After each ride, Esther offered tips and suggestions for improvement, then asked the observers to share their thoughts on highlights, areas for improvement, and scores for individual movements. Developing your eye clinics such as this one not only give riders the skill to review their own riding videos and make improvements more effectively, it also offers them insight into what the judge sees from C and helps them ride tests more thoughtfully and accurately. Thanks to all the horse and rider combos who gave such great performances and allowed participants to provide their feedback. A fun day of learning for everyone! Join us for our next Ride A Test Day on Saturday, July 3. Comments are closed.